The Common Link in all School Shootings

The Common Link in all School Shootings

It did not take long for President Obama, in the aftermath of the Oregon college shootings, to refer to the incident as proof of the “gun-violence epidemic” and to redouble calls for stricter gun control legislation and even hinted at executive action on the matter; not to be outdone, Hillary Clinton stated that she, if elected, would bypass Congress and use executive action to go after the gun manufacturers and dealers. Predictably, the progressive mainstream media echoed the idea and one publication even called for the outright confiscation of all guns. The list of gun-related incidents does seem, at first glance, to have increased and it looks as if not much time passes between incidents.

In the 1950’s and 60’s there were lots of guns and very little restrictive legislation; guns were not very difficult to get then, gun stores were much more numerous and yet, the mass shootings we see today were unheard of in those days. The single solitary event of that nature was the 1966 sniper who climbed the Texas University clock tower. It was such an isolated incident that it resonates even to this day. Before it and after it, nothing. The question that should be asked is: What do we have now that we did not have then? The answer is: the plethora of psychiatric drugs that are so freely prescribed for any mental malady, real or imaginary.

At least 35 school shootings and other school related acts of violence have been committed by those either taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs () Below is a partial list:

    • Oregon shooter Christopher Mercer suffered from Asperger’s Syndrome and  was taking at least five types of pills. His mother stated that as a youngster he was a “head banger” He was initially misdiagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder.

    • Charleston shooter Dylann Roof was a known drug user. On Feb 28 he was caught by police with the powerful mind-altering drug Subxone, the side effects of which include violent outbursts and aggressive acts of rage.

    • Eric Harris, 17 (Zoloft and then Luvok) and Dylan Kiebold, 18 (medical records sealed) killed 12 students and 1 teacher in Columbine, Colorado.

    • Jeff Weise, 16, prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac, a much higher dose than an adult prescription, shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. The balance was 10 dead, 2 wounded.

    • Cory Baadsgaard, 16, was on Paxil, which caused him to have hallucinations; took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.

And the list goes on 

There are studies going back more than a decade (including internal documents from some pharmaceutical companies) that show that SSRI drugs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) have well-known and unreported side effects, including but not limited to, suicide and other violent behaviors.

The Number of Reports to the FDA’s Med Watch System on Violent Side Effects of Psychiatric Drugs show the following:

Aggression: 8219 cases

Mania: 3287 cases

Homicidal Ideation: 971 cases

Hostility: 694 cases

Physical Assault: 582 cases

Homicide: 444 cases

Psychosis: 233 cases

Violence Related Symptoms: 226 cases

Today’s female dominated educational system treats little boys as if they were defective little girls; gone are the days when boys and girls played gender-appropriate games. Boys, by nature, are more restless and rambunctious than girls and the type of games they used to play reflected that nature: cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, dodge ball and so on. Those games have long since been banished from school yards and when was the last time you saw children playing on the street? The end result is a large number of boys (and some girls) with a lot of energy to burn and no outlet for that energy, who tend to be more disruptive in class and who can drive parents who have little time to tend to them, crazy. When counselors and psychiatrists offer magic pills that would turn restless children into easily controlled little automatons, teachers and parents are sometimes too eager to administer those pills to children, some as young as four.

Big Pharma spares no expense to convince the populous that their magic pills will turn their lives around, but first they have to convince the public that they are in need of those pills; hence, they put forth the idea that if you are not always chipper or perennially smiling like a simpleton, then you must be suffering from depression and accordingly, they run glossy ads in magazines and numerous commercials on television. Who has not seen those wonderfully animated commercials extolling the virtues of whatever brand they are pushing at the time? Then, near the end, with a speed that would make a tobacco auctioneer proud, or with a text on the bottom of the screen so small that you would need binoculars to see, they run a disclaimer warning of side effects, including suicide. Why would an antidepressant, specifically designed to treat depression, so exacerbate the depression that the user would have suicidal thoughts? Aspirin is designed to be a pain reliever and in no way would  increase the pain. The answer is that the mechanism of depression is not well understood  and the drugs that are supposed to remedy it are hit-and-miss propositions; in other words, they are experimenting with the patients. Most of them create dependency and withdrawal from them is fraught with unpleasant consequences. It is also estimated that almost half of suicides in the nation were taking psychiatric drugs.

Which brings another question: Why does the mainstream media ignore or gloss over the psychiatric drugs evidence and concentrate instead on guns? The answers vary. One is that the mostly progressive media worships at the Church of Psychiatry and consider guns to belong to the Church of Satan. Another is that they are married to the anti-gun ideology and they reject anything that contradicts that belief.

Are all psychiatric drugs bad? Not at all; there are cases where they are the only help certain patients can get but they should be the last resort, not the first solutions, and their use should be monitored closely. Perhaps the solution could be a national register of psychiatric drug users, the type and dosages to be compared against a list of potential gun buyers.

Here is a list taken from

of popular psychiatric drugs and their link to violence.

10- Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) Antidepressant associated with 7.9 times more violence than many other drugs.

9- Venlafaxine (Effexor) Related to Pristiq. Antidepressant also used for anxiety disorders; 8.3 times more likely to be associated with violent behavior.

8- Fluvoxamine (Luvox) Antidepressant that affects serotonin (SSRI); 8.4 times more likely to be linked to violence.

7- Triazolam (Halcion) Can be addictive. Is a benzodiazipine to treat insomnia; 8.7 more times likely to be associated with violence.

6- Atomoxetine (Strattera) Often prescribed to treat ADHD; 9 times more likely to be associated with violence.

5- Mefoquine (Larian) Treats malaria. Sometimes produces bizarre behavior; 9 times more likely to be associated with violence.

4- Amphetamines come in many forms, often used to treat ADHD, even in children not diagnosed with ADHD;  9.6 times more likely to be associated with violence.

3- Paroxetine (Paxil) SSRI antidepressant. Many users experience severe withdrawal symptoms and is more likely to produce children with birth defects; 10.3 times more likely to be linked to violence.

2- Fluxetine (Prozac) Household name for a powerful SSRI antidepressant linked with 10.9 times more violence.

1- Varenicline (Chantix) Administered to smokers to curb cigarette cravings and it’s a whopping 18 times more likely to be linked to violent behavior.

Big Pharma is a multi billion industry that influences and buys media outlets and politicians and will not allow any of their cash cows to be threatened. The gun industry and the NRA combined do not have one tenth of the power of the drug-makers. They simply cannot compete. The bottom line is that the common link in all those shootings is not guns or even the Confederate flag, but the widespread and indiscriminate use of powerful mind-bending psychiatric drugs.


  1. Janet T

    Bravo. Years ago when a teacher suggested drugs for my daughter who was a very creative, talkative child and in no way disrespectful or disruptive I withdrew her from the public school system. Today she is a happy, healthy 33 yr old with a black belt in Tang Soo Do.

  2. Anonymous

    I concede that drugs can be helpful but they should be the last resort, not the first solution. Nowadays, they prescribe them as if they were cough drops. Good for you for refusing to medicate your daughter unnecessarily. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Former elementary teacher

    As a former elementary teacher I saw first-hand the effects of Ritalin on young children. Is it our intention to turn these active, sometimes talkative children, into “zombies” with no affect and curiosity? I don’t think this is wise. Before this medication is prescribed, research should be done about whether food allergies or consumption of too much sugar or an unstable family environment could be the cause of hyperactive behavior. I know of a former student, on Ritalin for many years who, in adulthood, violently attacked on his father which quickly severed their relationship. His father did feel this attack was related to his son’s consumption of this drug. In my opinion, school psychologists, personnel, and doctors should proceed with caution when prescribing these mind- altering drugs and do so only as a last resort.

    • Anonymous

      I agree. The bottom line is that it’s much easier to deal with a docile little automaton than with a normal, energetic child; if the Beaver of “Leave it to Beaver” existed today, he’d probably be prescribed Ritalin or some other such drug. The adverse side is that these drugs affect young (and not so young) minds unpredictably and can backfire on society; as the old adage goes “when you make a deal with the devil, there is hell to pay”

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